Friday 16 June 2017



Call these cakes, donuts or biscuits, even Biscake seems to be appropriate for these bite size cake biscuits. The batter I used is same which is used to bake chocolate cakes or cupcakes.

I prepared these Biscakes without any plan in hand, on a shopping spree I came across a baking dish or pan with Donut shaped indentations in them and they instantly aroused my interest to have a try to use them. 

I made Chocolate cake batter and poured it into them, after baking for 12-15 minutes the result came as surprisingly amazing little cakes, consumed in a bite.

Here I am sharing the same with my viewers and visitors, with the request not to think these can not be made without particular cake pans.  You can use any shape cake pan to make these bite-size Biscakes. It is not necessary to make them in donut shape or the other one I have used.

For Donut shape, you can use a Piping Bag, cut a large aperture at its bottom and simply squeeze out the batter on the greased Butter paper placed on a greased baking dish and make out the circles like Donuts by the Piping bag. No fuss at all.

I am sure children will love these bite-size Biscakes in different shapes.

With the name of ALLAH I am sharing the recipe as under:


  1. 1-1/2 Cups All-Purpose Flour
  2. 3 Tablespoons Butter or Vegetable Oil
  3. 1/2 Cups Cocoa Powder
  4. 3/4 Cup Sugar
  5. 3/4 Cup Butter Milk
  6. 1/2 Teaspoons Baking Powder
  7. 1 Large Egg
  8. 1/4 Teaspoon Salt
  9. 1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract


  • Pre-heat Oven to 180 C, 350 F or Gas Mark 4 for 15-20 minutes.
  • Grease the cake pans with oil or butter.
  • Sieve together the Flour, Cocoa Poder, Baking Powder and Salt and set aside
  • Now in another bowl beat Sugar with Egg until it becomes creamy and a bit foamy.
  • Add Oil and beat for 1 minute.
  • Add Buttermilk and Vanilla extract until well combined.
  • Put in the dry mixture and fold it.
  • Pour the batter into the pan or pans and bake for 8-10 minutes.
  • Cool them on the rack or anything appropriate you find in your kitchen.
  • Enjoy Warm or Cold with Tea or Coffee.

I hope these little chocolate delights will delight all, especially the children, so try making these Biscakes without any FEAR OF FAILURE.

InshaALLAH our next recipe will be "WONTONS"          

Thanks for visiting my blog and trying the recipes.  


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