Monday 5 June 2017



Samosa is a very popular snack of Sub-continent, it is savory and in some areas, sweet Samosa is also prepared.

History & Origin of Samosa is quite old, I will InshaAllah give it in my QEEMA SAMOSA post soon.

The Chicken Samosa is relatively a new addition or variety, especially for those who somehow don't take red meat or like Chinese style snacks with less spice.

Samosa Chat is quite popular these days, made with Chickpea Chat, Yogurt, Tomato Ketchup, any other chutney with broken Samosa mixed in it.  It has become a hit in Lahore.  This Samosa Chat can be made at home easily.

So let us start preparing our Spicy Chicken Samosa to be served with my own All Purpose Special Chutney with the name of ALLAH.


  1. Cutting and cooking of filling: 30 Minutes
  2. Making Samosas with filling:    20 minutes
  3. Frying:                                    20 minutes
  4. Expenditure:                           Under 100 Rupees (Less than a Dollar)
  5. Yield:                                      24 Samosas


  1. 250 Grams shredded chicken
  2. 4 Tablespoons finely cut Spring Onion
  3. 1 Tablespoon Zeera (Cummin Seed)
  4. 1 Teaspoon Kali Mirch Powder (Black Pepper)
  5. 100 Grams grated Band Gobhi (Cabbage)
  6. 1 Teaspoon Garam Masala Powder (All Spice)
  7. 2-3 finely cut Hari Mirch (Green Chilies)
  8. 2 Tablespoons Hara Dhaniya (Coriander Leaves)
  9. Ajino Moto (Chinese Salt) to taste
  10. 2-3 Tablespoons Oil
  11. Samosa Patti (Samosa Wraps) as required.
  12. 2 Tablespoons All Purpose Flour for making paste to glue the Samosa wrap
  13. 1-2 Tablespoons water to be mixed in flour to make the paste.
  14. Oil for frying


If you want Spicy version, just change Black Pepper with 1 Tablespoon of Red Chili Flakes and 1 Tablespoon of Chat Masala.


  • Boil & shred the chicken, set aside.
  • In another pan heat oil and put Spring Onion, Cabbage, Green Chilies, Coriander leaves and cook on high heat for a few minutes till the Onion turns translucent.
  • Mix spices as mentioned above and stir for 2 minutes.
  • Now add shredded chicken and stir for 1-2 minutes.
  • Our filling is now ready.
  • Place a Samosa wrap/Patti on table or counter or any other flat surface, Turn triangularly from one side and make a packet.
  • Fill the cavity with the filling and turn the remaining part of Wrap over the packet and apply Flour paste on its sides and press lightly to seal or lock it.
  • Prepare all Samosas like this. 
  • Heat oil in a wok on full and put in a single Samosa, if it immediately comes up with bubbles in the oil that means our oil is now correctly hot for frying the Samosas.
  • Turn the heat to medium and put more Samosas in it, no more than the capacity of the wok.
  • Fry light golden on slow medium heat and take out on absorbent paper to drain the excess oil.
  • Our Samosas are ready now, Serve or enjoy with Green Chutney, Tomato Ketchup or my ALL PURPOSE SPECIAL CHUTNEY. 

Hope you like these Chinese flavored Chicken Samosas and will definitely try them during this Ramazan without any FEAR OF FAILURE.

I am giving here some of my upcoming recipes which will be posted during Ramazan.

Spicy Qeema Samosa

Pineapple Banana Smoothie


Anday Ke Pakorey


Cheese Balls

Donut Biscake

Cheesy Chicken Flowers

Thanks for visiting my Blog


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