Monday 6 March 2017



The Rainbow Cake is mostly made in more than one layer of different colors and a Marble Cake is made in two colors i.e, yellow and brown or Egg and Cocoa Powder.

I tried to make a mixture of both by adding two more colors in the Simple Vanilla Cake batter.  The result is as good as it looks in the picture below.

Certainly, it does not look perfect but what I do is to experiment with the simplest and easiest way, ingredients, and method so that the beginners may not get disheartened when they go through the recipe of a Great Chef.  When beginners like me prepare this cake they feel elated as it boosts the confidence to go for the elaborate and difficult recipes as well.

The question here is to make a Cake and not that it should be as perfect as seen in the Food Magazines or placed on the glass shelves of a Bakery.  Perfection will come later by practice.

So I always try to make things easier and at the same time cheap by using simple ingredients which are either available at home or any of the nearby grocery stores.

My aim here is to make you overcome the FEAR OF FAILURE. We have to review our work again and again to avoid another failure.

This is also a WARM-UP RECIPE of cake baking, I'll try my best to take you to the elaborate and difficult recipes later, with different types of Frosting, Glaze, Ganache and so on and so on.

I have used common food colors in this recipes which are easily available at every big or small grocery store round the corner.  The only expensive thing is your Oven and the Cake Panes. Don't loose heart, you have none of the above two, you'll still bake a cake.  In Pressure Cooker, simple cooking utensil and on the normal stove.

Here is my easiest and Simplest Rainbow Marble Cake recipe:-



  • Flour                               2 Cups (take out 2 level table spoons of flour and add 2                                                  tablespoons of Corn Flour in its place)                                        
  • Large Eggs                      4
  • Butter/Veg Oil                3/4 Cup
  • Sugar                              1-1/4 Cup
  • Baking Powder                1-1/2 tea spoons
  • Vanilla Essence               1 tea spoon
  • Milk                                1 Cup or as desired 
  • Food colours                   Choice (For Brown colour you can use Cocoa Powder as well)
  • Salt                                 A pinch.


  1. Pre heat Oven to 180 C and grease the cake pan before starting for the batter.
  2. Sift together Flour, corn flour, salt and baking powder and set aside.
  3. Take another deep and wide bowl and beat Butter or Oil and sugar by electric mixer or a whisk and make them creamy and light. 
  4. Now add eggs one by one and beat again on medium high speed if you are using an electric mixer. When these are fully combined add flour mixture a little at a time.  No need of beating now, you can fold the dry mixture by Spatula or a wooden spoon.
  5. Add milk one tablespoon at a time to make batter thin and a bit runny.
  6. Arrange small bowls numbering exactly as the number of food colours you are using.  
  7. Distribute equal amount of the batter in each bowl except the original cake batter which may be a bit more in quantity then the coloured bowls. Add colours in each of the bowl and mix them to the desired colour scheme.
  8. Grease the cake pan and pour the original batter in it in a manner that it covers the entire bottom of the pan.
  9. Start pouring coloured batter by spoon over the batter already in the pan, choice of colour preference is yours.  Just do nothing except pouring and then do the same with next colour.
  10. Finally tap the pan on any hard surface or the counter and put it in the oven, bake for 30-35 minutes.
  11. Check it by inserting a tooth pick or a clean knife in the centre of the cake, if it comes out clean that means the cake is ready.  Take it out and cool it for 10-15 minutes before loosening it out of the pan.


Bake with no FEAR OF FAILURE.



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