Saturday 18 March 2017



Gulab Jamun is a KHOYA (Milk Solid) based sweet dish, very very popular in sub-continent and surrounding countries. It is an all seasons sweet but consumed more during festivals. Gulab Jamun is popular also in some Caribbean countries specially where Indian settlers are found.

Khoya or Milk Solid is made by heating Milk in big Cauldrons on low heat to evaporate its liquids until it turns into a paste form. After cooling its kneaded to form a dough.

Khoya is used as a base in almost all the sweet dishes (Mithaies) in Pakistan and India as well as other countries. I can be eaten raw.

The delicacy and aroma of Rose make this dish mouth watering. After frying the balls of Gulab Jamun, they are dipped in Rose flavoured sugar syrup and they remain in that syrup for longer periods. They are soaked in the syrup and become more tender to eat without using teeth.  Gulab Jamun can be eaten with lips and tongue only.

Khoya (Milk Solid) is made in two different forms or styles, one is called Lassa Khoya and the other is (Granulated) Danedar Khoya. The Sweets (Mithai) is mostly prepared with Lassa Khoya, it is tender, soft and silky in texture and ideal for Gulab jamun.  Granulated Khoya is mostly used in preparing different types of Halwa.

Gulab Jamun is also prepared by Dry Milk which makes it more cheaper.

Here I am giving the recipe of Gulab Jamun made with Lassa Khoya and hopefully very soon I'll post Gulab Jamun of Dried Milk.

Gulab Jamun has another variety which is called Kala (Black) Gulab Jamun. It is darker in colour and a little harder than the Golden colour normal Gulab Jamun.  It is made by mixing a little sugar in the khoya dough.

Gulab Jamun is also made from Bread Slices, which is very simple and easy but the Great taste of traditional Khoya made Gulab Jamun has no parrallel.

Okey so here we start preparing Gulab Jamun by the name of ALLAH.


For Gulab Jamun Balls:

  1. 1/2 Kg Lassa Khoya
  2. 1 Egg beaten
  3. 2 Tablespoon All Purpose Flour
  4. 1/2 Teaspoon Cardamom Powder
  5. 1/2 Teaspoon Backing Soda

For Sugar Syrup :

  1. 2-1/2 Cups Sugar
  2. 1-1/2 Cups Water
  3. 1 Teaspoon Rose Extract or Kewra (Screw pine essence)


  1. Knead the Khoya with hands for 2-3 minutes to make it more softer.
  2. Start mixing beaten egg very little at a time and continue kneading.
  3. The Dough should be soft and not cracking, add a little more egg if you feel it hard and cracking.
  4. Add all purpose flour and Cardamom Powder. Make sure the dough is not sticky and it leaves and cleans the bowl.
  5. Now make small balls from the dough with your hands and again check if there are any cracks in the balls. If there are, add a little more beaten egg and knead again.
  6. Put the balls aside and start making Sugar Syrup now.
  7. In a deep sauce pan put sugar and water and let it simmer till the sugar is completely dissolved.
  8. Add Rose Extract or Kewra and turn the heat to the minimum.
  9. Heat oil in a deep woke and when it feels hot enough, turn the flame to off and put a single ball in it. If you see tiny bubbles around the ball, that means the oil is correctly heated.
  10. put all the balls in the oil, In a few seconds they'll come up on the surface of the oil.
  11. Put the flame on medium low heat, and start frying the balls till they turn golden.
  12. Don't touch the balls with the spoon etc, just roll the Oil with spoon or spatula around the balls so they start moving in circles in the oil.
  13. Dousing the flame while putting in the balls in oil will save the balls from burning.
  14. Now take out the balls of Gulab Jamun from the oil and put them in the sugar syrup.
  15. Remember while removing the balls from oil you must not douse the flame until all the balls are taken out.
  16. Place the lid on the pan of sugar syrup for about 30 minutes and then remove one by one to any serving dish.
  17. Pour remaining syrup on them and sprinkle some Pistachio flakes and Rose petals.
  18. Enjoy the Sweetest and the tenderest Jamun while they are still hot. That will enhance its taste and you'll feel they are dissolving in your mouth without any effort.

Prepare Great Gulab Jamun without FEAR OF FAILURE.

Please bear with me for any flaws, pictures of all the dishes are taken by me with Mobile phone. I dont have any facility of sophisticated Photographic equipment and I have no Modern Kitchen available with me. All I do is with the humble facilities of a humble home.

INSHALLAH our next recipe will be APPLE BROWN BETTY



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