Thursday 17 August 2017

KATCHI KARHI (Un-cooked Yogurt Pakora Curry)


(Un-cooked Yogurt Pakora Curry)

Katchi Karhi or Spicy Dahi Phulki is a traditional summer dish, very popular in Pakistan and India. Made of Besan (Gram Flour) Pakoras dipped in watery Yogurt or thin Lassi with Tarka (Tempering) of Hari Mirch, Gol Lal Mirch, and Karhi Patta. It may be called as un-cooked Yogurt Pakora Curry in English. There is another version of this dish called only Karhi. In this Karhi dish, the sour beaten yogurt is cooked with spices and then fried Besan Pakoras are added. In Pakistan, many variations of this Karhi dish are prepared at home, like Kofta Karhi, Meat Karhi, and Vegetable Karhi etc. Karhi or Katchi Karhi are basically domestic dishes, cooked at homes, mostly in summer season due to its soothing effect during hot summer days, at the same time it is very easy to prepare.

I have noticed that some restaurants and small eateries are preparing and selling Besan Pakora Karhi all over Pakistan and has become quite popular lunch dish for average working man.

This pakori/phulki is simply made of besan (Gram Flour). The trick is to aerate the batter sufficiently, so that the Pakoras or Pakoris (Fritters) are light and fluffy inside, crunchy and crisp outside. These are then dunked in beaten yogurt and served with Tarka


Mixing ingredients:                      8-10 minutes
Frying Pakoras:                           15 Minutes
Total time:                                  25-30 Minutes
Expenses:                                   100 Rupees (Less than a Dollar)
Yield:                                          6 Servings


  1. 1-1/2 Cup Besan (Gram Flour)
  2. 2-1/2 Cups Dahi (Yogurt) mixed and blended with water
  3. 1/2 Pyaz medium (Onion) finely sliced
  4. 2 Hari Mirch (Green Chillies) finely sliced
  5. 2 Teaspoon Lal Mirch (Red Chilli) Powder (One Teaspoon for Yogurt Mix and One for Besan Mix)
  6. Salt to taste
  7. 1/2 Teaspoon Sabut Zeera (Cummin Seeds)
  8. Oil for frying

TARKA (Tempering):

  1. 4-5 Gol Lal Mirch (Red Button Chillies) For Tarka (Tempering
  2. 5-6 Karhi Pattay (Curry Leaves)
  3. 1/2 Teaspoon Sabut Zeera (Cummin Seeds)
  4. 2 Tablespoons Oil


  • Beat Yogurt with salt and half of Red Chilli Powder, add 1 Cup of Water, set aside 
  • Put Besan in a bowl, add finely cut Onion, Green Chillies, Zeera, Salt and remaining half of the Red Chilli Powder
  • Mix it well and add water, the consistency of this batter will not be thick.
  • Heat Oil in a wok on high and then lower the temperature to slow-medium
  • Put a tablespoon of Besan mixture into the oil one by one and fry the Phulkies are Pakoras till golden
  • Take the fried Pakoras out of the oil and put them in the Yogurt Mix
  • These Pakoras will soak the Yogurt into them and will become soft and fluffy


  • Heat Oil in a pan and put Sabut Zeera, Gol Lal Mirch and Karhi Pattay till the aroma comes out.
  • Pour this mixture directly from the pan onto the Yogurt Pakoras 

Our Simple and very easy Katchi Karhi is ready now, enjoy it with a spoon or you can have it with Chapati as well at lunch time. Personally, I like to eat it with Chapaties as a simple lunch. This dish is also very good for our digestive system, especially during hot summer days.

Hope you'll try this without any FEAR OF FAILURE.



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