Tuesday 8 August 2017




Pronunced La'zzane in Italian, are wide, flat-shaped Pasta sheets, and possibly one of the oldest types of pasta. Lasagne, or lasagna, is a dish made with several layers of lasagne sheets, sauces, and other ingredients.
Lasagne originated in Naples, Italy, during the Middle Ages. The first known recorded recipe was in the early 14th century and it had a slight resemblance to the traditional form of lasagne.
The traditional lasagne of Naples, Lasagne di Carnevale, is layered with local sausage, small fried meatballs, hard-boiled eggs, Ricotta and Mozzarella cheeses, and sauced with Bechamel Sauce (White Sauce).
In other regions lasagne can be made with various combinations of Ricotta or Mozzarella cheese, tomato sauce, various meats (e.g., ground beef or chicken), vegetables (e.g., spinach, zucchini, olives, mushrooms, Green Peas), flavored with garlic, onion, and oregano. The lasagne is always oven-baked.

In Pakistan, many variations of the filling have been introduced to keep up with the traditional spice loving nature of the populace. My kids love Lasagne and ask for it time and again. I prepared this dish with the spicy fillings, containing Beef Mince, Chicken pieces marinated in Soy Sauce, Chinese Salt, Chili Sauce and some local spices with Oregano and kids respond it voraciously. I also tried Prawn/Shrimp Lasagne and it turned to be Awesome. (Will share the recipe soon) 

This time I decided to give it the traditional flavor and taste with the minimum of spices for a change, and it came out well but Kids were not very happy with the outcome. Anyway, I am giving here the same less spicy recipe for my viewers and soon I'll post its Pakistani version of spicy fillings.

So, I think we must start our traditional Lasagne recipe with the name of ALLAH.


  1. 1 Standard Pack Lasagna Strips
  2. 250 Grams Boneless Chicken cut into small chunks
  3. 3 Tablespoons Olive Oil (Vegetable Oil can also be used)
  4. 2 Tablespoons Soy Sauce
  5. 1 Tablespoon Vinegar
  6. 1 Teaspoon Chinese Salt
  7. Normal Salt to taste
  8. 1-2 Teaspoons Black Pepper Powder
  9. 1 Teaspoon Oregano Powder
  10. 1 Teaspoon crushed Garlic 
  11. 1/2 Teaspoon Rosemary
  12. 1/4 Cup Tomato Puree


  • Boil Lasagne Noodles/Sheets with a little salt and 1 Tablespoon Oil for 7-8 Minutes
  • When boiled, place them on a greased tray in a single row, so they must not stick to each other, set aside.
  • Heat Oil and fry crushed Garlic till golden
  • Add Chicken and cook till water dries
  • Add all spices and Tomato Puree
  • Cook on medium heat and set aside.

  1. 2 Cups Milk
  2. 1 Cup Fresh Cream
  3. 1/2 Packet Cheddar cheese
  4. 3 Tablespoons Maida (All Purpose Flour)
  5. 1 Teaspoon Sugar
  6. 1/2 Teaspoon Oregano
  7. 1-1/2 Teaspoon White Pepper Powder or Black Pepper Powder
  8. 2 Tablespoons Butter or Oil
  9. Salt to taste 


  • Heat Oil and put crushed Garlic, saute for 2 minutes
  • Add Maida and stir continuously so that lumps are not made
  • Add Milk and stir to mix everything 
  • Milk will start to thicken, add Cream and continue stirring
  • Add spices as mentioned above
  • Our sauce is ready


  • In a greased baking pan lay the Lasagne Noodles or sheets and don't leave empty from any side.
  • Pour White Sauce and level it
  • Spread Chicken mixture over the Sauce and level it as well
  • Sprinkle grated Mozzarella all over the Sauce
  • Spread the second layer of Lasagne Noodles and repeat the above process
  • At the end put some Chicken pieces on top (Optional)
  • Bake it for 30-35 Minutes.
  • Our Chicken Lasagne is ready
  • Cool it or eat Hot with Tomato Ketchup or any other helping Sauce of your choice.

I have given here the basic method of Traditional Lasagne but you can change any of spices either in Filling or Sauce.

I am sure you'll enjoy this simple recipe and will make it as well without FEAR OF FAILURE.

InshaALLAH our next recipe will be GUAVA (AMROOD) CAKE.



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