Wednesday 19 April 2017



Cookies or Biscuits, Biscuits or Cookies, it is an unending discussion continues since centuries. There is not much difference between both. In America the name biscuit is not found, instead, they use cracker or cookies. In British dominated areas and Great Britain itself, these are called biscuits.

I would like to discuss the difference and history of both later in any other Cookie or Biscuit post.

So we are going to start our biscuit baking with the name of ALLAH ALMIGHTY.

The recipe yield is 24 biscuits and total preparation time 35-40 minutes.

  1. 1-1/2 Cups Coconut (Powdered or Grounded)
  2. 5 Tablespoons Butter
  3. 3/4 Cups Sugar
  4. 1 Egg (Large)
  5. 3/4 Cup All Purpose Flour
  6. 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
  7. 1/2 Teaspoon Coconut  Extract
  8. A pinch of Salt


  1. Preheat Oven to 150 C or 300 F or Gas Mark 3.
  2. Mix Butter and Sugar in a bowl and cream them by beating or whisking.
  3. Add Egg and Coconut Extract. (If Coconut Extract is not available with you, use Vanilla Extract)
  4. Sift and mix together Flour and Baking Powder and add it to the Butter mixture. 
  5. Knead this mixture to form a Dough and let it rest for one hour in the Refrigerator.
  6. Roll the dough on any flat surface and cut the biscuits of any shape you like.
  7. put the biscuits on a well greased Oven dish, use parchment paper it is available with you.
  8. Bake for 12  minutes OR till the sides seem to be turning golden.
  9. Cool on a cooling rack or any other thing available with you which resembles a wire rack.
  10. Enjoy warm or cold with your Tea.

Did you feel any FEAR OF FAILURE baking this biscuit? 

Thanks and hope you'll enjoy these Crispy Coconut Biscuits

InshaALLAH my next post will be CRISPY FRIED CHICKEN WINGS


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