Sunday 14 January 2024





Basbousa is a cake made with Semolina. It is a trendy and prevalent dish in the Middle East. Muslims and Coptic Christians use it during their fasts. Muslims traditionally use it during the holy month of Ramzan. It has some other names in other regions but traditionally it is Basbousa. Also called Harissa, Revani, and Ravani in the other areas.

It is also called an Egyptian Dessert as its birthplace is said to be Egypt.

It is baked like a cake with a small amount of sugar in the batter and after it is baked, sugar syrup with Rose flavour is poured over it immediately after taking it out of the oven.

In some recipes, Basbousa is baked again for 10-12 minutes after soaking it in the sugar syrup. This dessert can be made with Eggs Yogurt or both, as its leavening agent. So you have a choice here. I have prepared this dish in two styles, once I baked it again after soaking it with rose-scented sugar syrup, I made it without baking again.

The aroma of Rose arising from this dessert is so captivating that the family members become impatient to have it.

Here we are, going to start our preparation of Basbousa in the name of All Mighty ALLAH.


  • Preparation:                                15 minutes
  • Baking:                                        20 minutes
  • Oven Temperature:                     180 C, 350 F, or Gas Mark 4
  • Yield:                                           24 Cupcakes
  • Expenses:                                   200 Rupees (A little more than a US Dollar)                                                    


For Sugar Syrup:

  1.  1 Cup Sugar
  2.  1 Cup Water
  3.  1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
  4.  1/2 to 1 Teaspoon Rose Essence/Extract

For Cake:

  1.  2 Cups Semolina
  2.  2/3 Cups Sugar
  3.  1 Cup Yoghurt
  4.  2 Large Eggs
  5.  1 Cup Desiccated Coconut
  6.  1/3 Cup Butter or a little less Cooking Oil
  7.  15-20 Blanched Almonds (As per the quantity of the Paper Cup Molds)
  8.  2 Teaspoons Baking Powder
  9.  1/4 Teaspoon yellow Food Color (Optional)


     Sugar Syrup:

  • We shall start by boiling the sugar with equal water on medium heat.
  • Add lemon juice and stir till the syrup turns a bit thicker.
  • Add Rose Water (Arq e Gulab)
  • stir a little and remove from the heat.

Cup Cakes:

  • Preheat the Oven to 180 C, 350 F, or Gas Mark 4 for a minimum of 20 minutes
  • Set the Paper Cup Moulds in the Cupcake Liner and set them aside.
  • Blanch the Almonds, peel them, and set them aside.
  • Mix all ingredients except almonds with a Whisk or electric beater in a bowl.
  • Pour this batter into the molds at 3/4th height, and place a peeled Almond on top of the batter in each mold.
  • Put the liner in the refrigerator for an hour.
  • Place the baking liner in the oven and bake for 25-30 minutes or till a toothpick is inserted and comes out clean, Also the top is golden.
  • Take out the Liner from the oven but keep the Oven On as the cupcakes are to be baked for a few minutes more
  • Pour the room-temperature cold Sugar Syrup over the hot baked cupcakes, and soak them. 
  • Remove from the Oven, as the cupcakes are ready to be had, hot, warm, or cold.
  • These cupcakes can be stored in an airtight jar or box in the fridge.

Try these great cupcakes now and keep the recipe intact for making it during Ramazan, as practiced in most Arab countries, especially Egypt. These cupcakes or Basboussa Cakes are so aromatic with an Eastern touch that you can not control your urge to have them then and there, when within reach. The only thing that stops us from preparing this Semolina-based Cake is the eternal FEAR OF FAILURE, which always lurks behind our minds whenever we think of trying something new.

Forget it please, there should be no hint of any FEAR in your mind because Err is human and we learn from our mistakes or failures. Always be ready to try something new or to innovate.


Love you all,

thine eternally,


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