Sunday 14 March 2021




Chocolate Brownie Cupcakes are more favorite among children but adults also like them. Filled with crushed Walnuts or Peanuts give them a great taste and flavor. 

The Brownie's birthplace is the USA. It is classified as a bar cookie rather than a cake because traditionally it is eaten with fingers like a cookie or biscuit and not with a fork.  The first published recipe of Brownie goes to Ms fanny Farmer who in 1905 tried her chocolate cookie recipe into a bar cookie baked in a rectangular baking pan.

The difference between a Brownie and a cookie or a cake is that Baking Powder Or Baking Soda is not used in Brownies, thus it is neither a fully puffed-up cake nor a flat cookie.

Although later on Brownies were made with baking powder and soda as well, with the inclusion of chocolate and nuts, etc and I think that can be classified as Brownie Cake. 

Now, I must start preparing these cupcakes as my kids are anxious to see me start my work so that they can have a go at these delicacies immediately after the same is a little cooled to be taken in the mouth. 

Let us start with the name of ALLAH.


  • Preparing of Batter & filling of cups           25 minutes
  • Baking                                                       20 Minutes
  • Cooling                                                      15 Minutes
  • Yield                                                          18 Cupcakes
  • Expenses                                                  150 Rupees (About  One Us Dollar)


  1. 1/4 cup Maida (All-Purpose Flour)
  2. 2 Large Eggs 
  3. 1/2 cup melted Chocolate 
  4. 1/2 Cup Oil
  5. 1/2 Cup Crushed Walnuts
  6. 3/4 Cups Packed Brown Sugar
  7. 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
  8. 1/2 Teaspoon Salt
  9. 1/2 Cup Strong Black Coffee


  • Arrange Paper Cupcake Molds in the Cupcake Pans
  • Preheat Oven to 180 C, 350 F, or Gas Mark 4 for 20-25 minutes
  • Melt chocolate in a double boiler or in a Microwave
  • In a bowl mix melted Chocolate and Oil 
  • In a separate bowl beat Brown Sugar and Eggs until combined and foamy
  • Pour this mixture into the Chocolate Mixture and whisk to combine
  • Add Maida (Flour) and fold it 
  • Add Coffee and Salt
  • Coat crushed Walnuts in Flour and add in the mixture
  • Pour into the molds and sprinkle some crushed walnuts on top (Optional) I did this in half of the Cupcakes for a change
  • Bake for 20-25 minutes or till become puffed up 
  • Take out and cool them on the Cooling Rack for 15 minutes
  • Enjoy and feel the crunch of Walnuts in your mouth

Try this recipe without any FEAR OF FAILURE and make your kids and their friends enjoy them with a lot of thanks for you.



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