Thursday 30 December 2021



A Bachelor's Delight


This Potato Dip is an appetizer and a side dish for BBQ items, but at the same time, It is a full meal as well. It can be had at any time of the day, healthy as well as nourishing, can be given to children in their lunch boxes.  My entire family loves it. Very easy and prepared in minutes. A must-try dish. This is an instant and quick meal. It has no background history.

As Potato is eaten in every home and I doubt if somebody is not taking Potato as a food, mixing Carrot with Potato makes it a sweet n sour type dish. there are no hard and fast rules for the preparation of this dip, you can change the spice and other ingredients as per your choice. I like this combination, so I am preparing it for you here. I've tried it with BBQ items and it came out as a hit, but at the same time once or twice I had this Dip for my whole meal, and believe me, I enjoyed it and also felt my stomach full.

Let us start the preparation of our Siple Potato Dip with the name of ALLAH. 


Cutting & Mixing:                                   10 Minutes
Yield:                                                     4 Servings
Expenses:                                             50 Rupees (about a quarter of  a US Dollar)


  1. 2 large Potatoes (boiled and diced into cubes)
  2. 1 Carrot (Boiled and diced into cubes or diamonds)
  3. 3 Tablespoons Sugar
  4. 1 Teaspoon Mustard Paste
  5. 1 Tablespoon Vinegar
  6. 1 Tablespoon Ginger Garlic Paste
  7. 1 Teaspoon Black Pepper
  8. Salt to taste
  9. Tomato Ketchup for Garnishing (Optional)
  10.  1/2 Cup Yogurt.


  • Boil Potatoes and Carrots separately
  • When cool enough, cut them into small cubes or diamonds
  • Now in a wide bowl combine all ingredients except Ketchup and mix them well
  • Put some Tomato Ketchup over the top and place it in the Fridge.
  • Chill it before serving

How was this experience, if you mind telling me that! it is cost-effective, nourishing, instant, and quick to make Dip. Can be taken with or without any helping dish. Now as you noticed, there is no difficulty in obtaining the ingredients of this dip and at the same time, it is very simple in preparation. Bachelors can make it their routine appetizer or a complete meal when they are in a hurry. You only need to boil the Carrot and Potatoes, the rest is only the mixing process. 

Forget that you may fail in its preparation, there is nothing that makes you think of failure. Failure is nothing. Throw away the FEAR OF FAILURE and enjoy doing your own cooking. Also, shed the coat of lethargy you've worn since time unknown. Try your hand at it and you'd feel the thrill of doing and achieving something that you never have thought of. Enjoy this pleasure of thrill and DO IT.

Love you all.

thine eternally,


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